With this belief, you are taking responsibility for making yourself happy.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
Or is there…

We do not have the power or capability of making ourselves happy. If we take on our own happiness as a job, we are bound to become frustrated. Happiness is elusive. It is not a permanent condition. If we live long enough, we will experience sorrow, disappointment, and other things we may wish to avoid. But life can be difficult, even when we “do everything right”, which we don’t. We don’t come into this world knowing everything we know when we leave it.

We can replace this belief with “It is up to me to respond to the promptings of my spirit.”

In order to do this, we will have to begin by listening. We will have to have silence and solitude if we are going to take our own lives seriously and give them the attention they need. We will have to make some choices in order to do this. Turn the TV off, or leave the room, if other people in your family are watching. Take a walk by yourself. Take yourself on an outing and get to know yourself. Stop searching for your soul mate and start paying attention to your soul.

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