Wrong Belief #4: I can and should look like I’m 25 years old…even when I’m 45 years old.

We live in a culture that glorifies youth and fears age and death. Can you imagine how much money would be lost in our economy if we suddenly all decided we were just fine with looking older? We don’t want to be that old person in the corner that everyone ignores, so we go to a lot of trouble to appear young, strong, etc.

But this is wrong. We are working against nature and ourselves. Age brings its own rewards and gifts.

We would enjoy our lives more if we learned to let go of some things that belonged to youth, and to embrace some things that come with being older. I am not suggesting that we don’t try new things, and have fun with fashion. I am not suggesting that we “give up”. I am suggesting we respect our growth.

  • We can respect our bodies as they are today, and not try to wear clothes we wore in high school. Let’s wear different clothes, even if we can still fit into the same size. We don’t have to be fuddy duddies, but we can dress appropriately. I am not talking about a navy cardigan by Koret! But let’s show a bit more gravitas in the fashion department. That doesn’t mean we get rid of all the fun, but there is a balance.
  • We can respect the wisdom we have gained through our experience. We can choose what we want to spend our time doing. We can stop trying so hard to gain approval from others and start listening more to our own inner voice.
  • We can decide we are beautiful (or handsome!) as we are today. There is no reason to get plastic surgery etc. to remove our wrinkles. We do not need to mutilate ourselves to be acceptable. We can stop fighting wrinkles, and just live our lives! We don’t have to be perfectionistic! What a relief and what a burden gone from our lives.
  • We can do things just because we think they are fun and interesting and not in order to compete with others.

Instead of trying to “hang onto” our youth, we can let go. When we do, we will have room to allow new parts of our lives to grow and flourish.

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