Three Ways to Be Kind to OthersBeing kind takes practice. Here are three ways to consider showing kindness to others.

1)   Listen. Practice listening with love and acceptance. Do not listen solely for information. Do not listen in order to show the other person what a great listener you are. Do not listen in order to judge. Do not listen in order to persuade the other person of your opinion or perspective. Do not be in a hurry when you listen. Listen while allowing the other person to be different from you.

2)   Allow others to go ahead of you. It’s such a small thing, but it’s nice when someone holds the door for you and allows you to go first. It’s nice at the grocery store when another cart stops and allows you to pass first. It’s nice when someone allows you to go ahead of them in line. Practice letting other people go first.

3)   Smile. A smile lets someone know you wish them well. It is a kind acknowledgment, a universal sign of friendship. You can even smile at your family members! Smile at your husband when you would like to point out the latest irritating thing he has done. Smile at your children when they exasperate you.

A final note: showing others kindness does not mean that you will not be changing things that need changing. It does not mean that you are attempting to make everyone happy. It is simply a way of being respectful of others and acknowledging their importance to you.

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