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Marriage Counseling Can Be as “Easy” as Pre-K!

Marriage Counseling Can Be Easy

Most of us think marriage counseling is “hard” and Pre-K is “easy”. But, really, you should have no more anxiety about going to a marriage counselor than you would about going to Pre-K! Bear with me as I share my latest (tongue in cheek) thoughts with you…

  1. In marriage counseling, you learn to share.
  2. You learn about others.
  3. You learn how to take turns. You learn how to treat your friends.
  4. You learn you have to do things you are not inclined to do when you don’t feel like doing them.
  5. You learn that even when you cry and cry, you still have to accustom yourself to someone else’s schedule.
  6. You learn you are important and have something to contribute.
  7. You learn that bad days end and you can start over the next day.
  8. You learn how to behave so that there are more and more good days.
  9. You learn you can have fun doing something someone else wants to do.
  10. You learn how to negotiate.
  11. You learn how to follow a routine.
  12. You learn how to live by a set of rules.
  13. You learn that when the routine changes, the rules stay the same.
  14. You learn how to encourage yourself and others.
  15. You learn that some things you were afraid of really aren’t too bad!
  16. You learn that other people have feelings just like you do – no more biting!!!

Ha-ha. Thanks for joining me in my back-to-school humor. And make an appointment for marriage counseling! After you get over the anxiety, you might actually find yourself enjoying it.