All of us long for our houses (and our spouses) to love and welcome us home. Here are some tips to get things going in the right direction so you too can say, “I love you” to your house!
- Get rid of clutter. This is an ongoing process that is never “done”. If you don’t need it, use it, or love it, it’s clutter – even if it was expensive. Get it out of your house and let someone else have it who will love it. Your house is not a storage unit – it is the place where your life unfolds.
- Think about your lighting. Do you need a dimmer switch for the light over your dining room table? Do you need a good lamp next to the chair you use for reading? Lighting can really influence your mood.
- Have adequate storage for the items you do use. I have had several clients who had a terrible time with laundry simply because they lacked a chest of drawers. Make it easy on yourself (and your family) to get things out and put things away.
- Hide your trash cans if at all possible.
- Keep up with dishes and laundry. You can put off other cleaning tasks for awhile if you get really busy. Keeping up with these two things protects your house from degenerating into chaos.
- If at all possible, make sure your bedroom is just for sleeping (and romance!). Keep the TVs, computers, crafts, kids’ toys, etc. out of the bedroom. Make it a peaceful oasis.
- Treat yourself to beautiful relaxing music.
Taking care of your house blesses everyone who lives in the house. See your house through the eyes of love, and see if it doesn’t improve your relationship with your spouse as well.