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Live Your Ever After  Now

Most of us experience feelings and life events that don’t match up with the life we planned in our dreams, but there’s good news. You can live your “happily ever after”!

Do any of these warning signs apply to your marriage?

  • You are barely speaking to each other.
  • You are withholding affection as a form of punishment.
  • You or your spouse are keeping secrets.
  • You are financially “unfaithful” to your spouse.
  • You are contemplating (or having) an affair.
  • Every small thing turns into a BIG thing.
  • You can’t appropriately communicate without being cruel to your spouse.
  • Your sex life has changed dramatically, and you feel your needs are not being met.
  • You can never agree on any topic regarding the children in the house.

Your marriage is worth saving.

If your marriage is in trouble, it isn’t too late to do something to save it.

Counseling Specialties

Lynn Busch has extensive experience helping couples with these issues:

  • Premarital Counseling: Address issues before they become problems.
  • Marriage & Couples Counseling: Resolve problems with professional guidance.
  • Divorce Counseling: Deal with pain, anxiety, and disappointment.
  • Infidelity Counseling: Overcome marital indiscretions.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Understand and navigate challenges in your relationship.
  • Marriage Counseling for Doctor’s Spouses: Unique challenges faced by physician spouses.

Are You Ready To Live Happy?

When you are ready to improve your marriage and live your happily ever after now, give me a call to book a counseling session.

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