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A Simple Way to Banish Anxiety

We live in a society that is increasingly reactionary. We are encouraged to have strong, intense opinions and to defend what is “right”. We live in a society that has become polarized, and in which we must “pick sides”. We live in a society that values making quick decisions and rushing into action. Our news programs are often round tables in which people interrupt each… Read More »A Simple Way to Banish Anxiety

How Your Home Can Help You Calm Your Anxiety – The Kitchen

Change Your Relationship with Your Kitchen without the Anxiety

This is the fifth post in a series. For the first post, please start with the bedroom. The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. Realtors tell us that kitchens sell homes. We generally have high expectations for our kitchens, and we get frustrated with them if they aren’t working for us. You may have even convinced yourself that nothing short… Read More »Change Your Relationship with Your Kitchen without the Anxiety

Change Your Relationship with the Children’s Bedroom without the Anxiety

This is the second post in a series. For the first post, please start with the bedroom. And now, let’s look at your child’s bedroom. I am willing to bet your child’s bedroom has been the source of some arguments. It’s a universal situation. Layer upon layer of stuff makes it difficult to even walk into the bedroom so it can be cleaned! It is… Read More »Change Your Relationship with the Children’s Bedroom without the Anxiety

Change Your Relationship with Your Bedroom without the Anxiety

Sometimes our anxiety gets so high it is debilitating. And even if we can still manage to function, it can literally ruin most of our waking hours. In these next few posts, I am going to concentrate on some small things that may not seem powerful enough to make a difference for you, but please give these ideas a chance. Perhaps just one change will… Read More »Change Your Relationship with Your Bedroom without the Anxiety