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Marriage Counseling

For those of you who are still married after the holidays, congratulations! 

The Holidays Are Over And You Are Still Married

For those of you who are still married after the holidays, congratulations!  (Often, husbands are shocked when wives file for divorce just after the holidays, but that’s a different post.) Today’s post is going to address the “moving target” aspect of relationships, something that is particularly annoying to males in general and INTJs* in particular. That being said, it’s a problem for all of us.… Read More »The Holidays Are Over And You Are Still Married

Help! I’m Married to a Clean Freak!

You can’t take it anymore—the constant criticism, the rampant perfectionism, the persnickety attitude, the OBSESSION. The problem is, you’re married to this person; and this person is not going to be okay unless things around the house pass muster. No leisurely Saturday mornings lying around in pajamas, reading the paper, (or my blog), sipping coffee, discussing where you are going for breakfast, and what fun… Read More »Help! I’m Married to a Clean Freak!

Help I'm Married To A Slob

Help! I’m Married to a Slob!

I have had numerous clients – both men and women—who are in severe distress because their spouses are messy and/or are not doing their fair share of the housework, and it is driving them crazy. Some have been so miserable that they have seriously considered divorce. They have tried everything; it isn’t working, and they just can’t live like this anymore. If this is you,… Read More »Help! I’m Married to a Slob!

How to know if your marriage is worth saving

If you are reading this, you are probably wondering if your marriage is worth saving. I think there is hope for your marriage. As a marriage and family therapist, I have worked with many couples who have recovered from serious issues such as infidelity, addictions, despair, hopelessness, and not being in love any longer. I have seen many marriages heal when only one person comes… Read More »How to know if your marriage is worth saving

When Your Feelings Are Hurt

We have been told to tell the person who hurt our feelings all about it. We have been told that it’s their job to apologize for hurting our feelings, and they should care that they hurt our feelings, and they should show us they are really sorry, and do things to repair our relationship. There’s just one problem—this almost never works. Why? Most of the… Read More »When Your Feelings Are Hurt