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Life Strategies

Marriage Coaching

What is the Difference Between Counseling and Coaching?

Are you wondering what is the difference between marriage counseling and marriage coaching? Very briefly, coaching does not look to the past to see what is wrong. Coaching does not look at the client and search for some pathology as the real problem. Instead coaching looks at the present and future, and focuses on enhancing your life. In my practice, what people commonly call marriage… Read More »What is the Difference Between Counseling and Coaching?

Husbands: Pay Attention to These Danger Signals!

Husbands: Pay Attention to These Danger Signals!

Husbands: pay attention to these danger signals. They may not always scream for attention, but they demand acknowledgment and proactive measures to salvage your relationship. As a marriage counselor, I’ve witnessed countless couples grappling with issues that threaten the very foundation of their relationship. It’s not uncommon for one partner, often the husband, to be caught off guard when their spouse initiates discussions about separation… Read More »Husbands: Pay Attention to These Danger Signals!

Wrong Belief # 10: If I’m Not Good at Something, I Shouldn’t Have to Do It

This wrong belief causes a lot of stress, but the reality is there are certain things we all have to learn how to do in order to live our lives. For example, we have to learn how to clean our houses, manage our money, take care of our health (which will involve a certain amount of cooking), get along with other people, make and manage… Read More »Wrong Belief # 10: If I’m Not Good at Something, I Shouldn’t Have to Do It

Wrong Belief #9: People have to agree with me, like me, accept me and treat me in a certain way

Oh dear. This belief is a disaster waiting to happen. In our daily lives, many of us find ourselves bound by the unspoken need for everyone to agree with us, like us, accept us, and treat us in a particular way. The moment someone strays from this expectation, or disagrees with us, it can cast a shadow over our entire day. Of course, it’s natural… Read More »Wrong Belief #9: People have to agree with me, like me, accept me and treat me in a certain way