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The Difference Between Simplicity and Perfectionism

“Simple” and “perfect” are sometimes used interchangeably. But they are two totally different things. “Perfect” refers to something that must not be messed up. It is static. “Simple” is more user friendly, and dynamic. It encourages people to join in. It’s simple, you can do it. “Perfect” tells people to back off, and stay away. “Simple” says come in and stay awhile.  “Perfect” says look… Read More »The Difference Between Simplicity and Perfectionism

10 Reasons Why Your Kid Won’t Unload the Dishwasher

You may think your child is rebellious, lazy, or possibly passive aggressive because unloading the dishwasher has turned into a battleground of epic proportions. Consider there could be other reasons for the reluctance to do this task. For example… The dishwasher didn’t get some or all of the dishes clean. Now the “simple” task of unloading the dishwasher has become not so simple. There is… Read More »10 Reasons Why Your Kid Won’t Unload the Dishwasher

Get the Life You Want

I’m going to assume you want to change your life. Perhaps your spouse or significant other is neglecting you or actively irritating you. Perhaps your mother is cruel and critical. Perhaps you don’t like the way you look. You don’t have any friends. Consider the area of your life that causes you pain. Now write down any beliefs you have associated with that. For example,… Read More »Get the Life You Want

Holiday Relationship Stress

Why You Get So Stressed during the Holidays and What to do about it

The holidays seem to make everything worse. If you are generally annoyed about something your sweetie does or doesn’t do, you might become intensely stressed about that same thing around the holidays. It’s kind of like a full moon that lasts longer. More accidents, more illnesses, more depression. We are all advancing closer to our personal edge, and trying to get one more thing done,… Read More »Why You Get So Stressed during the Holidays and What to do about it

I Am Grateful for You!

 It’s my turn to share what’s in my heart with you – my clients and readers. I want you all to know I am inspired by you – by your willingness to work on painful parts of your life, by your commitment to the process when it seems so hard, and by your progress in making the changes you want to make. It’s not easy… Read More »I Am Grateful for You!

How to Get Through the Holidays without Having an Anxiety Attack

You may be really dreading the holidays this year—to the point of having an anxiety attack or at the very least an emotional meltdown. A lot of people do. Perhaps someone close to you has died, and you miss them terribly. Perhaps you are trying to have a baby, and have been unable to, and you are surrounded by friends and family who are awash… Read More »How to Get Through the Holidays without Having an Anxiety Attack