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How to Make Friends With Your Anxiety

Has your anxiety taken over your life? Do you feel like you have tried everything – yoga, mindfulness, meditation, medication, trips to the counselor, Xanax — but nothing has really worked? Try this: Imagine your anxiety as a Rottweiler puppy. Your new friend is so intent on protecting you, he has become “overenthusiastic”. So you’ve got an overactive working dog. He starts out protecting your… Read More »How to Make Friends With Your Anxiety

Make Peace with Anxiety

We all want peace, especially when we are plagued by anxiety. When that happens, it is tempting to think peace is the absence of anxiety. That peace would be how we felt if we weren’t afraid to leave our house, or pay our bills, or get on the airplane, etc. (By the way, I’m just randomly picking examples of what could cause anxiety. If this… Read More »Make Peace with Anxiety

The Difference Between Simplicity and Perfectionism

“Simple” and “perfect” are sometimes used interchangeably. But they are two totally different things. “Perfect” refers to something that must not be messed up. It is static. “Simple” is more user friendly, and dynamic. It encourages people to join in. It’s simple, you can do it. “Perfect” tells people to back off, and stay away. “Simple” says come in and stay awhile.  “Perfect” says look… Read More »The Difference Between Simplicity and Perfectionism

How to Get Through the Holidays without Having an Anxiety Attack

You may be really dreading the holidays this year—to the point of having an anxiety attack or at the very least an emotional meltdown. A lot of people do. Perhaps someone close to you has died, and you miss them terribly. Perhaps you are trying to have a baby, and have been unable to, and you are surrounded by friends and family who are awash… Read More »How to Get Through the Holidays without Having an Anxiety Attack

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Using my best Bob Dylan impersonation… Oh, I Would Not Be So All Alone…Everybody Must Get Stressed.  We live in a stressful world. Think of the number of peaceful, calm people you know. We are lucky if we know one person like this. Stress and anxiety are catching. So, what do we do? First, realize that stress and anxiety are real. Think of them as a microorganism… Read More »How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety