These are the 7 things I learned in Marriage Counseling:
- I learned where my boundaries are! I also learned how to be honest about protecting those boundaries while still being kind.
- I learned I don’t always have to “fix” my partner. I can still take care of myself even when my spouse is being annoying.
- I learned how to communicate so my spouse understands. I learned that yelling is not going to help me get what I want.
- I learned it’s ok if neither one of us is perfect. We can still love each other despite faults that may or may not ever change.
- I learned that I have a lot more power than I thought I did. I am able to make changes in my marriage even if my spouse doesn’t want to go to counseling or join in.
- I learned to use my imagination to build a better marriage and a better life. Even though I had not been raised in a happy family and had not seen very many happy couples I can create a different path for myself.
- I learned whatever skills I don’t naturally have I can develop.
Marriage counseling helped me grow and change my life. If I had listened to my friends and family I probably would have gotten divorced. I am so glad I didn’t.